Tennis players carefully inspect the tennis balls before selecting one for their serve for a few key reasons:
- Newer balls have a smoother, more compact fuzz which allows for faster serves. As the balls are used throughout the match, they become fuzzier and slower. Players want to maximize serve speed on their first serve, so they look for the smoothest ball.
Fluffier balls provide more grip and control for second serves. If the first serve is missed, players will often opt for a fuzzier ball on their second serve. The increased fuzz creates more friction, slowing the ball down but allowing for more control and spin.
Some players have superstitions about using the same ball they won the previous point with, believing it will help them win the next point. However, this is more of a mental ritual than a strategic advantage.
Checking the balls is also a way for players to take a few seconds to concentrate and strategize between points. Tennis is mentally demanding, so having a routine helps players refocus.